
in development: bomb sworders

simpler azure pricing

Got word that Azure will be sunsetting one of the services I use for this website in favor of another that has a “simpler pricing model”.
But…it’ll cost quite a bit more… about $35 a month instead of just a few cents(!). Thankfully the switch doesn’t happen for a couple years, so there’s time to change things up.

no lava for online

Gah -- spent a week trying to bring lava (the new/more-beginner-friendly version) to online but, in the end, wasn't able to find a fully-consistent way to do it without, at the very least, tearing down some of the assumptions that online makes and replacing it with more complexity and some loss in responsiveness. The new lava will still be available for local play.

Aside from that, did manage to fix some bugs around lava and, I think, improve behavior around character state-switching online.


rewrote ownership methods

Discovered some inconsitencies with ownership, especially with limbo ownership during inferno-mode. But, with the help of lots of unit-tests… I think/hope it’s sorted.

fixed missing dynamite/freezer icon

dynamite icon not appearing after a player grabbed a dynamite

updated website for better media support

added sound settings to the pause menu

So can adjust music/sound-fx without exiting gameplay – especially useful for online multiplayer

lobby improvement

Better/simpler syncing of UI state

new website

Switched to hosting the site on Azure – saves a chunk of money + kinda fun to play with.

This site is based off Chirpy and then customized to try a couple ideas:

  • ultra-short, title-only posts look okay
  • ephemeral posts – unless a post is pinned or given the remain attribute (like this post has), it’ll eventually be discarded off the bottom of the page

all about making it easy to quick dash off (low effort?) updates.

Plus I get to write stuff in Emacs which is always nice.